Tuesday, April 3, 2007

In the past six months, The Secret has taken the world by storm, selling millions of copies as a DVD and a book and jumping to the top of the best-sellers list. It has won acclaim from popular icons such as Larry King and Oprah Winfrey. It has been scorned by some scientists and psychologists as pseudo-science and psycho-babble and condemned by others for appealing to people’s materialistic aspirations. Those who dismiss it, do so with an irrational vehemence reminiscent of the church’s response to Copernicus and Galileo! Everyone is talking and arguing about The Secret, but very little is being done to rationally examine and evaluate the method it advocates.

The method presented in The Secret is consistent with spiritual knowledge and practice accumulated over thousands of years. Many people who have never even heard of the book or movie have applied and benefitted from similar methods. Regardless of who first discovered this method, it does contain a truth that can benefit everyone. The objective of this blog is to examine the universal principles of consciousness, life and human accomplishment on which this method is based and identify ways to make the method unfailingly.

Accomplishment is a natural endowment of all human beings. All of us know how to accomplish and we apply that knowledge all the time for important and trivial purposes. But few of us feel that we know the secret to ensure success in anything we do. The Secret offers a method for unfailing accomplishment. The method presented in The Secret is one expression of the universal process of creation and accomplishment. Any person can apply this method to accomplish any goal in his/her own life. The book and DVD explain the method but not the theory of why and how the method works. Knowledge is power. A full understanding of the theory behind The Secret will enhance its power. When applied with knowledge, conviction and intense aspiration, the method of The Secret is infallible. It cannot fail.

The essence of the method is described in three steps:

  • Ask: Intensely visualize and emotionalize the goal you want to achieve and continuously concentrate on the achievement of that goal. Avoid all negative thoughts that are contrary to the achievement of the goal. Especially avoid focusing attention on the problem or situation that one wants to change, since according to the law of attraction, attention to the problem reinforces the existing situation.

  • Answer: Wait for the universe to respond. It is not necessary for you to know how your goal can be accomplished. Do not dwell on 'how', only on the goal itself. Your task is only to intensely aspire and wait for circumstances to turn in your favor.

  • Receive: Align and attune yourself to the universe. Put your thoughts and feelings in harmony with what you want to accomplish. Express only positive feelings. Feel cheerful and enthusiastic. Avoid all negative emotions of any description. Try to feel now as you will when your goal is achieved. Feel gratitude for what you already have.

If you have tried The Secret and found it worked for you, please share your experiences with us. If you have tried and not succeeded, let us help you find ways to make the method work for you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am a business person who has gone through a lot of legal and financial woes of late. I had come to the point of worrying about what might come in the mail each day, let alone registered mail which I feared most. This week a registered letter arrived while I was not at home and they left a slip telling me to pick it up at the post office the next day. I was quite anxious. I sat down and told myself to remember the secret. I had seen the DVD and believed in the principles involved, yet here I was anxious. I could think of nothing positive about what the letter might contain. So I forced my self to put the negative thoughts out of my mind, and tried to invision that the letter contained a big cheque instead. I could think of no reason to validate my wish but forced myself to be positive and to get rid of all negative thoughts. I was successful and the anxiety reduced dramatically. The next day I went to the post office to get the letter, I can't say feeling really positive but at least neutral. I opened the letter and it contained a big cheque!!! Some stock that I had inherited years ago and never thought of had been taken over, and they paid out all the small investors.
I laughed all the way out of the post office. My efforts to change my attitude really paid off.The Secret worked wonderfully for me.

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