Sunday, September 16, 2007

Harmonious Human Relationships

Many human relationships start off in heaven and gradually come back to earth. That is common but not inevitable. You can recover the romance or joy of happy and harmonious human relationships.
Achieving and maintaining positive and joyous human relationships is more difficult than attaining high professional eminence, but it is still possible. Happy romantic relationships are possible in the measure you are willing to raise your capacity for living.
The capacity for living is the capacity to make human contacts pleasurable. All human contacts can be made pleasurable, if you have no objection to learning the principle and practicing it. We often tend to romanticize love as some magic formula which comes and goes like a Divine messenger without our conscious intention or control. But lasting human relationships are built of much more earthly stuff. Here is a graded series of methods you can adopt to achieve or restore lasting harmony and joy in any human relationship.

Good Manners
In earlier centuries manners were so highly revered that the quality and value of an individual was judged almost entirely by how they appeared and behaved. Ours is an egalitarian age where we reject as preposterous the notion that people should be judged by their appearance or how much money they have to spend on clothes. Ours is an age where we idolize freedom of expression, even when it is crude or offensive. But there is a truth and power in good manners that we ignore at our peril. That value of manners is best illustrated by the way men and women behave during the period of courtship before marriage. Once they are attracted to one another, young lovers take an extraordinary effort to be polite, thoughtful, considerate and understanding with regard to each other. Their every thought is about pleasing the other person, doing what they want to do, saying what they would like to hear, avoiding activities and topics that disturb or annoy. Young lovers reveal a marvelous capacity for selflessness and self-giving that can make the romantic relationship the most wonderful and unforgettable experience. Imagine maintaining the sense of romantic wonder through and after years of constant companionship. That is dream most people can only dream about and very few actually realize.

Good Behavior
Why does the bliss of romantic love often fade so quickly even before the wedding or the honeymoon is over? It fades because most often the perfect manners and consideration of young lovers is not really an expression of good behavior. Good behavior means that the manners we express truly and fully reflect our inner thoughts, feelings and attitudes. Too often in the urgent hope of winning the love of another, we display manners that are not endorsed by our feelings. We make sacrifices and act in a considerate manner to win the other person by an effort to suppress our own real feelings and preferences. Once we win the affection of another and the security of relationship, the intense effort to shape our manners subsides. We begin to express more of what we really feel. Though we were willing to do anything and be anything to win the love of another person, once we have won it we would like the other person to accept us just as we are -- not as we have behaved -- and to indulge all the feelings and sentiments we concealed in order to win their affection. Good manners creates the basis for good human relationships, but good behavior is essential for maintaining that harmonious relationships over time. Instead of dropping our good manners because it is not the way we really feel, those who want last happiness in relationship should strive to modify their thoughts and feelings to be in harmony with the good manners they express. Instead of changing our outer behavior, change our inner attitudes to make that good outer behavior more sincere and lasting.

Spiritual Methods
There is nothing very remarkable or romantic about good manners and behavior, but the fact is that they form the bedrock on which lasting harmonious relationship are achieved. If it seems like too much self-restraint and effort is required to always be polite, accommodating, understanding, thoughtful and considerate of another person, then it is not rational or reasonable for you to expect the most rare and special of human experiences to last. Remarkable relationships call for remarkable efforts. Good manners and good behavior are enough to preserve any relationship and any marriage. But they are not sufficient to maintain the intensity of romantic love. For that a greater effort is needed and a higher spiritual method is required. Here too there is a gradation of methods that you can apply to intensify and deepen the relationship and make it not only a source of harmony and joy but an endless opportunity for personal growth and spiritual progress.

More insights are at

Monday, August 6, 2007

Strategies to evoke Life Response

Ordinarily, when we think of "success,” we envision a solid level of achievement that occurs over an extended period of time. Never does it occur to us that success can occur instantaneously, and even infinitely -- contradicting our ordinary notions of what is logical and possible.
Such instantaneous vast results can occur when we shift our consciousness to the positive. When we overcome our limiting behaviors, attitudes, and beliefs, life outside ourselves tends to respond with sudden good fortune. Such wondrous occurrences are instances of what can be called as “Life Response.” With that in mind, here are several strategies to help you attract sudden and abundant success and happiness in life.

Accept the Given; That Which Life Puts Before You
Life is constantly putting situations before us that we can accept, neglect, or reject. If we accept and take up these givens of life, sudden good fortune can come our way. Consider which aspects of your life you've been reluctant to embrace. Once you understand the cause, make the concerted effort to overcome your reluctance or hesitation. Watch life suddenly and abundantly respond thereafter!

Reverse your Wanting Attitudes
The majority of the problems we encounter in life originate in our wanting attitudes. However, if we reverse ourselves and make them positive, life can suddenly and abundantly respond. Consider the negative attitudes you have towards other, and towards life itself. Then make a concerted effort to overcome one or two of the most problematic ones. When you do so, the infinite potentials of life will rush to your doorstep!

Make the Full Effort
We normally believe that putting out a certain amount of physical effort will produce a commensurate result. Though, this is of course true, there is also another perspective. It is that if we give in to life and make the necessary full effort -- expending all of our energies -- life will take over and complete the work in no time. As situations arise, consider where you can make a greater effort. Then take up that work in full. Thereafter, notice if life supports your effort with sudden good fortune.

Increase Your Psychological Strength
Inner, psychological strength is an important determining factor in your ability to succeed in life. We have seen that those who are strong succeed; while those who are weak fall back or fail. We have also noticed that if you make the effort to exercise strength in areas where you have demonstrated weakness in the past, life can suddenly and abundantly respond. Think about ways you have been, or are currently expressing psychological weakness in your work, in your relationships, or in other areas of your life. Consider what was, or is at the root of the problem. Now come up with a plan to exercise your strength, and then carry it out. Watch as life responds miraculously thereafter!

Increase Your Level of Organization
At first glance, “organization” does not seem like a very exciting topic for discussion. However, our own experience is that there is no faster way to attract success than by adopting a higher level of organization in life. There are a number of ways to organize yourself -- through higher levels of cleanliness and orderliness, by further systematizing your accounts and records, by organizing your time through a to do list and calendar, and even by organizing your thoughts, ideas, and concepts for greater logic and clarity. Such efforts at higher organization have a tendency to attract sudden good fortune Consider various areas of life where you can raise your level of organization, and develop a plan for improvement. Then make the full effort to carry out your plan. Watch life suddenly and abundantly respond from all directions!

Increase Your Knowledge & Skills
In an ever more complex, technology-driven society, it is important to have the highest levels of knowledge and skills. Raising either will not only increase your capacity for success in your work, but the effort itself can attract sudden good fortune. Consider the critical skills that you lack in work or other areas of your life -- including the technical skills required of your job; as well as interpersonal skills, such as listening, writing, presenting, communicating, capacity to work through problems, decision making, and so forth. Then develop a plan to upgrade them, and carry it out. Watch as opportunities open up for you from the most unexpected quarters!

Take Responsibility in Life
Throughout our lives, we are confronted by situations and circumstances that challenge our sensibilities. It is how we respond to these challenges that often determine whether or not we truly achieve in life. Those who take responsibility accomplish and grow as people. Those who blame others, or otherwise ignore the symptoms, achieve less and stagnate. By moving to a deeper level of consciousness, we can begin to perceive that everything occurring around us -- including the negative situations and circumstance that come our way -- are a direct reflection of our own inner condition. If we then “take responsibility” in such situations by discovering and then reversing the corresponding negative elements in our selves – i.e. in our false actions and behaviors, and in our limited attitudes, opinions, and beliefs -- life outside us can suddenly respond with great fortune.

Give Objects, People Greater Attention
Everything in life -- including people, objects, stocks of inventory, and money -- respond positively to attention. Consider which individuals and what objects around you require more attention, and then come up with a plan for improvement. When you implement your plan, not only will the objects of your attention blossom before your eyes, but the infinite potentials of life can suddenly rush to your doorstep.

Grow by Giving

The happiest people have one characteristic in common –- they are continually giving of themselves. While most of us are fully absorbed in our daily concerns and routines -- driven by our own needs, desires, and ambitions -- the happiest of people literally lose themselves in the feelings, thoughts, and aspirations of others. Shifting your focus to the concerns of others has this extraordinary capacity to attract freshness and wonder.

Apply Personal Values in Your Life
A value is a belief, a mission, or a philosophy that is meaningful to you. Values can range from the commonplace, such as the belief in hard work, self-reliance, and punctuality, to more psychological values, such as concern for others, and harmony of purpose. Other examples of personal values are openness, tolerance, honesty, loyalty, perfection in work, respect for the individual, and family feeling. Applying personal values in the details of our daily lives generates a great power for success and happiness. Think about two or three important personal values that have shaped your life. Now develop several strategies to recommit to them. Or, come up with one or two new values, and fully implement them in each of your most critical daily activities. From that point on, life will continually be fresh, and filled with meaning and wonder.

Follow the Process of Growth and Accomplishment
Normally, when we make progress, it is a result of our response to the pressures and challenges of life. This is for the most part an unconscious form of growth. Conscious growth, on the other hand, takes place when we self-conceive that which we want to become. We consciously grow when we aspire to accomplish something, organize the details of our vision, and then carry it out until our vision becomes a living reality. Consider taking up a new opportunity, or developing a new skill, or making a major change in your career, or adopting an important personal value in your life. Begin by envisioning what you want to accomplish, and from there establish the major goals to achieve that vision. Then organize the goals into practical strategies and plans of action. When you systematically carry them out -- supported by your highest high skills, your most positive attitudes, and by making the full, persevering effort -- the infinite potentials of life will suddenly open up before you!

Use the Power of Spirit
Though we can take up any of the above strategies, there are often extenuating circumstances of life that are beyond our control. The net result is that despite our efforts, we may find ourselves short of our goals. However, by utilizing the power of Spirit, you can bring these random conditions under your control -- enabling life to fully cooperate with your efforts at improvement. This can occur by opening to the spiritual Force that is there in the atmosphere before undertaking any activity Before you undertake any major activity, open yourself to the Force. Ask that its Light and Power come into the work or activity you are about to embark on. Later on, when you consider the progress you have made, you are likely to be astonished at the wondrous results that came your way. That is indicative of the vast power of the Spirit in our lives.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Strategies to attract money instantly...

Money is a force. It is a concentrated symbol of energy and power in life. Like all forces in the universe, money obeys certain universal laws or principles. By understanding those laws and acting appropriately, we gain a great power over money, enabling wealth and prosperity to come our way.
When followed, these methods have a tendency to instantly attract money from seemingly out of nowhere, defying our normal notions of cause and effect, and what is logical and possible. Such sudden and abundant results are indications of the wondrous phenomenon of “life response” at work.

1. Attention: Money responds to great attention. Keeping precise and upto date accounts are a powerful mechanism for suddenly attracting more of it.

2. Circulation: Let money circulate, energy will flow, and life will reward you with good fortune, including the constant flow of money in your direction. This is proof of the subtle principle of “inner-outer correspondence”; i.e. life reflects on the outside your psychological condition inside within yourself. If you make your feelings or attitudes more positive, such as overcoming an unwillingness to pay a bill or the hoarding of money, life on the outside will respond positively to you in kind.

3. Long Term debt owed: It is important that you pay off old outstanding debts which prevent you from moving beyond your current situation.

4. Sums owed to you: Collect all money owed to you, including the minutest of sums and money will suddenly come to you in all directions.

5. Taking Care of Neglected duties: Give attention to the circumstances that you had been neglecting so far and money will instantaneously come your way.

6. Cleanliness, Orderliness: A faster way to attract positive good fortune including new fresh sources of money is to raise the level of physical cleanliness at home or at work.

7. Wasting, Squandering Funds: To ensure a constant flow of funds, avoid wasting money. Discover where you waste your money and overcome it. This will attract more funds your way.

8. Soft speech: One of the most powerful ways to attract wealth and prosperity is to reduce the volume of speech. when we reduce the quantity of the words we express in our speech, we bring our own life energies under control, which create the condition for great fortune to come our way.

9. Changing an Attitude:Positive attitudes attract energy and money; negative attitudes do the opposite. If you overcome a negative attitude -- such as an unwillingness or reluctance to do something, or the harboring of bad will towards another -- new, fresh energies are released, which subtlety move out into the world, returning as positive good fortune, including attraction of money.

10. Dependence on others: The power to attract money comes from the psychological viewpoint that I am the ultimate determinant of my fate. If this is the case, then consider if you are dependent in others for funds, or similar forms of help, and change your position from one of dependence to self-dependency.

11. Generosity: Whenever you shift your perspective from yourself to others, energy increases, and conditions for success reveal themselves in the form of sudden and abundant positive life responses.

12. Focusing on and giving attention to the work at hand: If you focus yourself on the work at hand, i.e. what life is presenting you, rather than on the work that you would like to be doing, additional work, including fresh sources of money will fly in your direction.

13. Following the process of accomplishment to rise to higher level in life: A great way to attract more money is by developing a plan for improvement in your life. Decide what it is that you really want to achieve, organize the details of your vision, and carry it out with a positive attitude, and with great determination, commitment, and effort.

14. The Ultimate Solution: Using spirit: If you open to the higher spiritual power before starting an event, or when in the midst of a situation, life will respond dramatically in kind. If you also overcome a wanting attitude, life can respond overwhelming.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Life Response and how it is related to The Secret.

Life is a living conscious field of experience and action. We are an inseparable part of the field, linked in our consciousness to everything and everyone else in the universe. Our consciousness is not separate and isolated. It is in active relationship with the world around us. Whatever we think or decide, aspire for, love or hate, desire and fear is in active relationship with us through our thoughts and feelings. Life Response is the capacity to attract or create favorable circumstances and events from the world around us that appear to occur by 'chance' or 'luck' rather than as a direct result of our own physical actions.

The Secret builds on this truth and tells us we can invoke the Law of Attraction by concentrating the power of our consciousness on whatever it is we want to happen or come to us in live. In other words we have the power to make life respond to us.
In fact, life is responding to us all the time bringing into our environment people and circumstances that correspond with the vibrations of consciousness that we are emanating. Thus, our whole life is a mirror reflection of what we are inside, but often that reflection is inverted or refracted in a manner that we do not see the correspondences.

Chance, Luck and Coincidence
In pursuit of an important work, we want to meet a friend whom we have not met for a few years. On leaving our house, in a pleasant surprise, he enters our house. Life is full of such strange events. Literature too is teeming with such incidents. History has the same character. This phenomenon of ready help coming in an inconceivable fashion is called 'Life Response'. "Thank God, you have come," we exclaim. We also feel we are in luck. We are right.
This is not merely the caprice of Life. There is a law behind such occurrences. Some half a dozen such events described in detail and the laws underlying explained will make it clear that such a phenomena follow their own rules. One who knows such rules will always discern how such events come to pass.

Make Life Respond
Those who do not submit to life, but rise above the social average and evoke the power of higher consciousness can make Life Respond. Life Response is a known phenomenon that most everyone observes at one time or another. But the capacity to evoke a Life Response is something more, but it is not totally unknown in life. Extraordinarily courageous people say, "Well, I have never been let down." Optimistic persons, when their hopeless project comes round, say, "I know it will come round." Life can come round to anyone who relies on a higher power of consciousness in life.

Life’s Equilibrium
As material things on earth are held in equilibrium by gravitation, events, persons, and movements are held in equilibrium in life by the emotions of people. Life is amoral. We often see a dishonest person succeeding. In these moments we attribute his success to his money power or social influence, all of which are true, but each of them represents a partial truth. The complete Truth of this phenomenon is the emotional equilibrium in Life. Life seeks to maintain a balanced equilibrium of its energies. When that balance is disturbed, it seeks to restore the balance.

This is an excellent example to illustrate Life Response:
In 1972, an American businessman visited India and offered to raise a bank loan of $100 million for an Indian fertilizer company. On returning to the USA, he contacted Bank of America for this purpose and was told that two days earlier the bank had set up a new division to finance petro-chemical plants in South Asia. The Indian proposal was the first one they received. Within a few weeks, they issued a preliminary letter approving the loan.
The apparently independent action of the bank was a life response to the businessman's initiative. Common sense tells us the acts are unrelated, but fortuitous. A deeper insight into life reveals they are directly related to one another. Knowledge of life response gives one the capacity to evoke such favorable events in one's own life.

You can see more examples at

Friday, July 6, 2007

Personal Growth

The Secret can be used not only for material achievements such as health and wealth, but also for psychological growth to develop my personality. Psychological growth means to become a better person. '''To truly become a better person, it is necessary that you should be good inwardly.''' You may successfully persuade another person that you are good, but you cannot persuade yourself to find the same good person inwardly. If you want to be a really good person, it is possible but difficult. The first condition is non-reaction. If you can conceive that nothing bad can come to you without your having the same thing inside, an external event that provokes is not to be reacted against. The work is to be done by you inside to remove the offending trait in yourself. If you do this as a discipline, you will become a better person inside, but it will not give you the joy of a better heart.For that, you must fully possess the qualities that you try to express by discipline. If you are interested in growth of this type, you may like to read this article on personal growth and the suggestions on practical strategies

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Power of Self-giving

The best way to escape and transcend the limits of ego is to feel genuine, intense good will for others and to practice total self-giving. To feel the joy in the joy of another is Good Will. The ego is highly competitive. It judges its own importance and success relative to the achievements of other people. When others accomplish more, it feels smaller and as if it had less than before. Therefore, to generate intense goodwill that takes joy in the accomplishments of other people is a powerful means for transcending the ego. Those who can ardently aspire for others to succeed and prosper generate the maximum receptivity for success and prosperity in their own lives.
Self-giving is even more powerful than goodwill. To grow by giving is Self-giving. Moving from selfishness to selflessness helps the being expand and increases the energy of the personality. To give oneself in thought, feeling and act without calculation of return is an ultimate spiritual discipline and path to higher accomplishment. That giving may be to a person, an ideal, an organization or to God. It is most powerful when there is no thought or expectation or demand for recognition or return, only the joy of giving oneself.
Not everyone can practice self-giving. But everyone can raise their level of personal efficiency. This is a less powerful method that has a similar result because it gathers and concentrates our available energy so it can be more effectively utilized. Efficiency is a laborious physical method. Self-giving is an enjoyable spiritual method.
Rising above the ego through goodwill and self-giving can invoke the highest powers in the universe to act in our lives. When we do this, the universe invariably responds, bringing what we aspire for. But since in this case our aspiration is not selfish, the benefit comes not only to the one who aspires but to everyone.
For more insights like this see,

Monday, June 11, 2007

Expectation postpones results

Consciousness is power. The time taken for accomplishment depends on the strength of our aspiration and the intensity with which we apply it. Sometimes we confuse aspiration with wishful thinking. Wishful thinking is a dream of achieving something without the intense will to achieve it. It is passive and satisfied, a pleasant thought. Aspiration is active and intense, a determined will.
Aspiration is also confused with expectation. Both express a will for accomplishment, one strong and the other weak. When we aspire, we send forth energy to bring a result. When we expect, we wait for something to come. Aspiration is active. Expectation is passive. In aspiration, we feel we can determine the results by the intensity of our will. In expectation, we depend on others or circumstances to accomplish for us. The more intense our aspiration, the faster and greater the result that comes. Whereas expectation can have the opposite result. It has the power to postpone the result until we stop consciously looking for it to appear.
For more insights like this see,

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