Friday, July 6, 2007

Personal Growth

The Secret can be used not only for material achievements such as health and wealth, but also for psychological growth to develop my personality. Psychological growth means to become a better person. '''To truly become a better person, it is necessary that you should be good inwardly.''' You may successfully persuade another person that you are good, but you cannot persuade yourself to find the same good person inwardly. If you want to be a really good person, it is possible but difficult. The first condition is non-reaction. If you can conceive that nothing bad can come to you without your having the same thing inside, an external event that provokes is not to be reacted against. The work is to be done by you inside to remove the offending trait in yourself. If you do this as a discipline, you will become a better person inside, but it will not give you the joy of a better heart.For that, you must fully possess the qualities that you try to express by discipline. If you are interested in growth of this type, you may like to read this article on personal growth and the suggestions on practical strategies

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